Saturday, November 27, 2010

in the lake..

I woke up today and looked out of the window.. and I saw SNOW^^.. the lovely fresh sparkling snow I was waiting for.
Nature has started its winter transformation and I should feel happy that white beauty.. but it's not happening.
The rest of autumn melancholy tries to settle down in my mind.

But why?
I dyed my hair ink blue.. I feel like Coraline and many people said it suits me..
I heard Confused talking so I know the tone of his voice - and it's not irritating at all..
Tomorrow I am going to Nürnberk /Germany/ to the big market..actually I must wake up in four hours and should be sleeping..
I have got a letter from my Australian pen friend..

..but the song playing in my head is about murder and blood and being ugly and pain and loneliness..
it's like In the lake but not exactly.. but the melody is very similar..

this just a scream of a miserable girl needing some answer although she knows it will never come..

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